Saturday, July 4, 2015

Foods That Give You Energy - Alkaline Diet Foods

Introduction to the alkaline diet
If you wake up every morning with fatigue and lack of well-being, a diet rich in alkalizing foods might help. The alkaline diet has been around for a long time. People like Edgar Cayce recommended a diet rich in alkalizing foods for many years. The regime has seen an increase in popularity because people like Anthony Robbins and Dr. Young.  

The idea behind a diet rich in alkalizing foods is to bring balance to the body. In today's society, we eat a lot of foods that cause the body to be a balance. For example, foods such as burgers, fries, soft drinks, artificial sweeteners, sweets cause the body to create acid.  

When the body is created acid, it is more than likely to have symptoms such as fatigue, depression, body aches, joint pain and recurrent attacks of illnesses such as colds and flu. The body naturally supposed to be in a slightly alkalizing state.

The pH scale

The best way to know which state is in your body is through the pH scale. The best range for the body to be in is between 7.35 and 7.45. If you fall above or below this range may be too acid or alkaline. Its pH balance can be tested using pH strips. pH strips are small pieces of paper fits under your tongue. pH strips can be purchased from the local farmers market or even your local pharmacy.

Common alkaline foods

The alkaline diet is a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, alkalizing water and lean meats like salmon. Some of the best foods you can eat including avocados, lemons, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, limes and more. In addition, there are some alkalizing supplements you can buy online, such as pH drops, green drinks and water filters that can help alkalize and purify water.

 One of the best things you can do to begin to implement the alkaline diet is to make a small alkalizing food. For example, eat a salad or drink a green drink for breakfast will give you significant gains in energy in the morning.

Benefits of Alkaline Diet

People who changed their diet from the traditional American diet to the alkaline diet have seen many benefits, such as more energy, happiness, relief from joint pain and overall health.

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