Friday, July 3, 2015

Dieting Foods To Avoid - The Myths

It seems there are so many ways to lose weight. But there is much confusion. Whenever a person enters the Internet to find answers on this topic, there is so much information from him. The result is a chaos of ideas which often contradict each other and do not make sense at all.

For example, the rule known to eat fewer calories than your body burns, it makes perfect sense. But even for this basic rule there are exceptions. If you eat 1,500 calories of chocolate every day, you will lose weight? Maybe, but probably it will ruin something else in your body. The conclusion is that a deeper understanding of weight loss needed to acquire. Here I will played many false myths that are considered valid so long.

To reduce weight, you can skip meals

If you skip a meal, your body will think you are trying to starve. As effective as the machine, which will become "starvation mode" or "lose calories as low as possible" and the metabolism process will slow down. In addition, muscle protein consumption you need to begin.

 Thus, he loses his appearance, less muscle mass in your body will also cause a slower metabolism, you're hungry, and your next meal is likely to overeat.

Processed diet foods are good for weight loss

It can be easy to go into a store and buy just some of these foods. But with respect to its efficiency, there is a problem. Most of them are filled with sugar. These bars and shakes processed sugar levels in the blood and the fat storage hormone, insulin increased, comes in. The result is wider hips and a larger size. Another negative aspect of it is these processes are lousy food to satisfy their hunger, and sooner or later will be tempted to overeat.

Instead, try eating whole foods. They have more substance nutrition, and require more energy to digest, which in itself will make your body burn more calories. Instead of eating a bar of "diet" boil an egg, and everything should be ready to eat an apple. If you are used to frozen dinners, try to go for chicken and a 


Cut fat diet is good for weight loss

In fact, it's pretty bad if you want to lose the pounds. Your body needs fat to release fat. Many processes in our body are made with fat hormones they need themselves. So are the fat burning process. In general, they eat 25% of their calories as fat from healthy sources like nuts, almonds, flaxseed and avocado oil.

In short, if you know what you're doing, losing weight can be easy and fun. Eat small meals, eat whole foods as much as possible, and to include some fat in your diet from healthy sources.

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