Monday, July 20, 2015

Healthy Eating - Throw Out the Diets

Healthy Eating

I am very happy with my new way of looking at food. I decided to totally eliminate the concept of "bad" foods. I refuse to feel guilty if and when I splurge. And so far I have resisted the urge to buy all the tabloids highlighting a new diet fashion model thin bikini star.

But not always, I have a healthy attitude towards food ,. I admit, at some point in my life, I could have done some of these family states:

- "I'm on a diet and should not have to eat sweets during the holidays is that landmines navigation.".

-. "I'm going out tonight better than now starve me to prepare for a big meal later."
- "I want my diet foods all the way ... then I know I'm good."
- "I'm so glad I did not break and have a cookie place that had a lot of good food.".
- "I get thin to the Christmas party that will do everything possible to bring this new dress / suit.".

Sound like they could have come from you or someone you know these words? I hear these and other just love it in my office every day.

Hot Off The Press: We finished with guilt, denial, and despair that come from unattainable goals. For real. Really.

Let's talk about the biological status of basic hunger. You know when you're really, really hungry, rather than bored, depressed, stressed, anxious or under pressure? Most of us do not because we have not listened to our innate signals. We pushed off and abused from a cycle of hunger, guilt, stress, shame - and more overeating. Get the picture?

 If you have thought about starving yourself so that you stand in this holiday dress party, it is virtually guaranteed that if you are as comfortable as a sausage, or lose weight only to put things right again, and something more. The negative cycle always seems to continue.

Scale fullness is a great tool to help you get in touch with their food needs. Here's how it works:

1. Display a scale of 0 (hunger) and 10 (toys). Rate your hunger. Keep a food diary, and add their scores throughout the day if you want.
2. Interpret Your rating:

- If you are a 0 or 1, you are too hungry and is in danger of overeating at the next meal or even all day. Never try to go without food so long to get here. Once you do, your body will think it is starving and hold on to every calorie to save the life.

- If you qualify your hunger with 2, 3 or 4, it's time to eat. Continue to eat only until their self-assessment is a 6 or 7. It can be difficult to measure, do not eat performed at the end of the meal. In their lunch or dinner, really put your fork down and take a break. Think carefully about how you feel. Where are you on the scale of hunger? If you really still hungry, keep eating. If not, be sure to stop now.

To determine your level of fullness, think about how you feel after eating and calls himself a third time. Are you a 6 or 7? In full. If you're a 9 or 10, is likely to feel full, or worse, the sick, and only got good information about what it is like to cancel their satiety signals. It is uncomfortable - not going to do the next time. (Note that there is no self-denigration in this discussion! Instead, it is to learn to listen to our bodies.)

Now is the time to ask, "What I really like to eat?" Amazingly may, many of us do not really know. Make a list: What feeling or texture (crunchy, creamy, thick, soft and cold), the (,,,, rich robust light and sweet spicy) intensity, and taste (salty, spicy, sweet, sour) is what you want in your food?

 Choose to include these foods in your diet to ensure that you will be satisfied. Otherwise, you could end up eating a lot of other foods - with hundreds of unnecessary calories - not really want that experience in search of food. Is it worth it to continue to avoid foods desired indefinitely? Nadda possibility.

Do not give in to self-recriminations that come from strict diets and waterfalls allow you to learn to respect your body, both positive and negative points. I have not met anyone who loves all totally on his / her body, but I had the pleasure to meet people who have made peace with success by choosing health imperfection on unrealistic diet rules too restrictive.

Armed with good information about their own attitudes and food preferences, you will be in a good starting point to take positive action.  

Start today, because when you feed your body well, also feed your soul.

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