Saturday, July 4, 2015

South Beach Diet Foods To Enjoy

I love food - really. It plays a vital role in our lives that gives us pleasure and food. Therefore, if you plan to change the way you eat and lose weight, you want to ensure that you are on a diet that includes foods you like.

The South Beach Diet aims to solve a condition known as insulin resistance (the body's inability to properly process fuel, fats or sugar), it focuses on a variety of nutritious foods - lean meat fish, low fat cheese, healthy oils and nuts, vegetables and good carbohydrates.  

These are foods with a low glycemic index. (The glycemic index measures the amount of a particular food raises blood sugar. The higher the index of food, more will contribute to your weight gain.)

The food you can enjoy in the South Beach diet is satisfying and healthy. You will learn how to integrate occasional indulgence without going off track. Most importantly, you will learn how food affects your body.

The South Beach diet has a three-phase approach to weight loss. In phase 1, the insulin resistance is resolved and get rid of carbohydrate cravings. Phase 2 will add more variety and help you reach your weight loss goals. Phase 3 is the maintenance - how to eat for the rest of his life.

The food can be enjoyed in phase 1

Meanwhile, in particular, it will eat lean meat, pork and chicken and carbohydrates with low glycemic index. You also integrate a variety of mono and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil.

The food can be enjoyed in phase 2

At this point, you can begin to reintroduce healthy carbs (with a slightly higher glycemic index) - fruits, whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and sweet potatoes. You can even have chocolate. You will not be able to have all these things all the time. But you will be able to have in moderation. As you add new elements, controlling your weight loss. If you notice your slow weight loss, you have to cut back on these.

The food can be enjoyed in phase 3

You will enter phase 3 when you have lost all of their excess weight. There is not a whole food list for this phase. You should always eat according to the principles taught in Phase 2. If you want something and do not cancel sacrifices enjoy. If exceeded, entering Phase 1 for a week or two. The important thing is to maintain your weight loss.

Remember - the three phases are flexible. If you fell of the wagon back to Phase I for a couple of weeks and still lose weight. You should feel free to move between the phases as you like. After all, this scheme is intended to accommodate the foods you love.

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