Monday, August 24, 2015

Have You Changed Your Pet's Food Lately?


Pet Food

Are you used to buy Pet food? Did you know that most pet foods on the market are treated with second grade ingredients, fillers, artificial flavors, toxins and additives know? What is the alternative? Many of us were told not to feed table scraps our pets.

 However, Dr. Pitcairn, author of The Complete Guide to Dr. Pitcairn natural health for dogs and cats, has over twenty-five years experience in the simple meals cooked at home food for animals. Dr. Pitcairn and other veterinary talk advantages to homemade meals for pets. To provide well-balanced meals for pets, you must feed them healthy foods and supplements.

When you go to the grocery store, buy a variety of fresh food. Choose good meat quality lean and fat such as beef and lamb grown organically, and offal, which tend to be inexpensive and, if not at your local grocery store, you can go to a butcher. Among poultry, turkeys and free range chickens are healthier. Fish is rich in omega-3 and omega-6, especially albacore tuna, herring, trout and sardines. Salmon, halibut, mackerel and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are also good choices.  

Tofu is a good source of protein and a good alternative to raw meat. Range eggs and dairy products (cheese, milk and yogurt) are important in recipes. Many different types of vegetables are good for pets, except rhubarb, chard and spinach, which are too oxalic acid and mushrooms and onions are toxic to pets.  

The grains are regular staples of low cost and in our pantry, for example, barley, rice, cornmeal, couscous, and oatmeal. Legumes are a cheap source of protein. If you plan to buy dry peas and split lentils cook faster. Black beans, great northern, kidney, navy, pinto, and soy should be soaked at least three hours or overnight. You can use low-salt canned beans for convenience.

Supplements and vitamins are an important part of the diet. You may be able to save money on supplements in health food stores, because they carry some bulk supplements (nutritional yeast or brewer, lecithin granules, algae powder and flour ' bone). Are recommended vitamins A and D, C and E.

Once you have the ingredients that can be used for a variety of recipes you'll be able to make several meals at once. Pulses can be made in large quantities. They can be refrigerated or frozen in portions. Also, keep a list of foods to avoid hanging in your kitchen. When I read the list of foods that should not be fed to pets in the Natural Pet Food Cookbook, I started a list of bad foods and liquids for my animals.  

My list is alcohol, artificial sweeteners, avocado, sweet, chocolate, coffee, fatty foods, macadamia nuts, moldy and spoiled foods, mushrooms, onion, onion powder, raisins, rhubarb, salt, seeds, spinach, chard and yeast paste. Garlic is on bad food lists, but Dr. Pitcairn recommends for digestion.

To make well-balanced meals is important to have a reliable resource. Dr. Pitcairn's book, Complete Guide to Dr. Pitcairn natural health for dogs and cats. It has been a valuable resource for me. Detailed information on each of the food groups, vitamins and supplements, it is easy to make recipes. These are the most balanced recipes I found in books and online. 

 If you have a pet with a weight problem or illness, you can find recipes and a house formula that adds nutrients (proteins important fresh, vegetable oil, supplements and vitamins) to feeding the dry pet food. Dr. Pitcairn came with a healthy powder that can be added to each recipe to be well balanced (2 cups nutritional yeast or beer (nutrition, it is cheaper), 1 cup lecithin granules, 4 tablespoons meals KAL bone (check your letter for other relationships bone meal), and 1000 IU of vitamin C on the ground).

Now we can put a basic meal well balanced set, which is 50% of cereals and 25% protein (2 types), and 25% of vegetables. Fats are based on the amount of protein in the diet. Here is a simple recipe:

2 cups of oatmeal (quick or old fashioned)½ cup chopped turkey meat (raw or cooked)½ cup hearts (raw or cooked)1 cup green beans1 cup cottage cheese1 tablespoon vegetable oil coffee2 tablespoons nutritional yeast1 multivitamin

Make oatmeal as directed. Turkey and brown background hearts if desired. Cook the green beans. Mix all ingredients cooked with other ingredients. Refrigerate meat and additional bodies for the next meal. You can make several meals or more at a time and refrigerate or freeze portions for later.

Since animals need variety, once you know how to make balanced meals, you can get more recipe ideas online and other cookbooks. You can also purchase a variety of organic foods, raw and freeze-dried meals that can improve your pet and reduce the preparation time. To ensure that the meals are well balanced, you may want to consult a nutritionist or holistic veterinarian for pets.

In conclusion, if you give your pet food and healthy supplements, you will know that your pet gets the proper nutrients. When referring to a recommended resource book like Dr. Pitcairn, he will see that it is not hard to do well balanced home or in addition to dry food meal. Dr. Pitcairn and other holistic veterinarians have many customers whose pet health improved once they started eating well-balanced meals.

for more informations about  The role of exercise for health , visit my blog :

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